Here’s the Scoop
November 12, 2017
Hi Deep Water! We've been posting for a few months now and thought we'd take a moment to tell you what ReachOut is all about. If you were in the service this morning (Nov. 12), pastor AJ gave a brief update on what we've been doing through this ministry. The church has made a commitment to give 10% of offerings to amplify and advance organizations and activities outside of ourself that spread the gospel, build churches and help the poor and marginalized both locally and internationally. We call this ReachOut.
We have cut back the charitable causes and campaigns that we present as fundraising options and instead, declare that we will do the work of the kingdom together in ways that none of us could do alone. Serving and reaching out is part of who we are as disciples of Christ.
We are researching and supporting with dollars organizations that are doing great work that we want to assist. As well, within ReachOut, we have volunteer champions for each organization who are going deep to understand and tell the stories of the organizations. This blog is where we share these stories with you. This allows you to know what impact your support of Deep Water is having and also allows us all to know what to pray for and how to get involved personally. We are amplifying the work and the message of these great organizations.
We are still supporting Global Partners in Haiti. Now we're also providing funding for disaster relief in the Caribbean. We are working on partnerships that will allow us to contribute to the sharing of the gospel internationally. Upstream has spearheaded the launch of a partnership with Compassion and we now have our own Mark Fletcher leading the way as the champion of that partnership.
Locally, we are working with great partners like the Open Arms Centre, Nova Church and the Open Door Centre to build God's kingdom in our city.
The division of the Open Door Centre that works to combat human trafficking in Halifax (HEY) has been working hard to bring awareness to schools in the HRSB. Our next post will give you an update on the great things that have been happening through them. Stay tuned!