HEY Continues to Transform Lives
December 6, 2017
If you've been attending Deep Water church over the past few months, you've most likely heard the pastors speak about our partnership with the Open Door Centre, and their Helping Exploited Youth (HEY) program. This week we were sent an update of the powerful work that has been happening through them. This month the Centre is helping three women who are being sexually exploited. These women are being supported as they make the choice to get out of the sex industry. The Open Door Centre asks that we pray for these brave women as they make life changing decisions in the face of danger.
In November, HEY reached seven schools through presentations on trafficking. 1052 students were taught what trafficking is and how to spot it among friends. HEY plans to continue to educate teens so they don’t fall into the traffickers' hands.
As people gain knowledge about sex-trafficking the community is better able to take a stand against it. Keep praying for the team at the Open Door Centre as they pursue this important work in Halifax.
Over here you can learn more information on HEY, book a community presentation, or learn how to get involved.
Thanks Deep Water!